Thursday, 9 October 2014

Marble Cheese Brownies

Selalu penasaran tiap kali nemu resep baru, selalu dan selalu ingin mencobanya, meski dengan trial and error. Tapi, saya jadi tau gimana hasilnya dan harus gimana ke depannya. Maklum saya selalu tertarik dengan hal yang berbau kue. Brownies ini adalah hasil uji coba saya, walaupun bagi saya ini belum 100% sukses, hehe. Saya pakai resep di blog-nya Mbak Elly, thanks ya mbak udah nyontek resepnya :)


100 gr butter, cut into cubes (saya pake Blue Band Cake n Cookie)
100 gr dark chocolate, in drops (saya: Compound DCC)
125 gr castor sugar (saya: gula pasir diblender)
    3 eggs, beaten  
  75 gr self-raising flour (saya: terigu segitiga + 1/4 sdt baking powder)
    1 tbsp cocoa powder (saya: van houten. kalo ingin warnanya lebih pekat lagi, biasanya saya campur cocoa powder merk Tulip yang Noir + Bendsrop/Bordeux. Perbandingannya 50:50)
100 gr dark chocolate, in chips 
For the cheesecake mixture
 200 gr cream cheese (saya: homemade cream cheese, 100gr susu UHT plain + 100gr keju cheddar yang dipotong kecil2, dipanaskan di atas api kecil sampai keju larut, dan terakhir saya blender)
    2 egg yolks 
  75 gr caster sugar

1. Preheat the oven to 160C.  Butter a 20cm cake tin, line the base and sides of the tin. (saya juga pakai loyang kotak ukuran 20cm)

2. Place the butter and chocolate in a saucepan and melt over a low heat. Stir just until smooth, then remove from the heat and beat in the sugar and a pinch of salt, followed by the eggs.

3. Sift in the flour and cocoa powder, add the chocolate chips and stir in. Tip the batter into the prepared tin and spread out using a spatula.

4. In a clean bowl, beat all the ingredients for the cheesecake mixture together until smooth. Dot heaped teaspoonfuls of this mixture across the top of the brownies batter in the tin, then use a skewer or knife to swirl the two mixtures together, right across the tin and up to the edges.

5. Bake for 30-35 minutes, or until the middle of the cake still wobbles slightly when you gently shake the tin – a skewer inserted into the centre should come out with a little moisture on it.

6. Remove from the oven, place on a wire rack and allow to cool completely in the tin before carefully removing the cake and cutting into squares to serve.


  1. hlo jeng, kue2 nya bikin ngiler, hehe...udh jd pengusha kue ya skrng. mantap bu:-)

  2. hai peb, aduh jangan ngiler bu, sini saya kasih nyicip kue nya. Iya alhamdulillah Peb, msh pemula kok :)


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